Product / Service Categories

SNFN - CISCO Managed Network Services (MNS) Project

Mazaya Al Adha Company Ltd (MAC) is proud to be partnered with CISCO Services Inc. to provide Managed Network Services, MNS to Saudi National Fiber Network, SNFN in south region of Saudi Arabia. This region served thru 5 major RMCs (Remote Maintenance Centres, the terrain of which includes mountainous direct buried route, Aerial FoC networks, FOC in cities under ground ducts, etc at a very challenging topography.

With our vast Out Side Plant, OSP implementation experience, we were able to cope up with the service level agreement, SLA of our client & Partner.

Product / Service Categories

General & Telecom Trading

We have an active trading division to support engineering and contracting companies to source products for their projects and to cost effectively achieve the target, fully meeting their client specifications and type approval requirements.

Mazaya Al Adha IT & Telecom Co Ltd is the Trading arm thru which all OSP, Electrical, Mechanical products are sources from various parts of the world, such as Germany, USA, India, China Taiwan etc.